April 2019 4th Annual Rhyme & Riesling 640WEST Event Space 8p-11p Featuring: Custom artwork for purchase, poetry and wine for the most diverse palates September 21, 2019 Inaugural Epilepsy Kickball Game John D. Milner Sports Complex 3009 Randall Street East Point, GA 30334
Please check back for dates regarding:
Quarterly Health & Registration Drive
Project Zoe Presents: Share the Siblings Saturday
Join us on June 4, 2016 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Smyrma Community Center for Share the Siblings Saturday. Admission is $10 per child and snacks are included. This event is for ages 2-12 years old.
Walking in the Right Direction "WALK"
September 10, 2016 at South Bend Park Atlanta from 9a-1p
Low THC Registry & Health Drive
November 5, 2016 at East Point Library from 10a-1p. Please refer to Georgia's HB1 Act to review health conditions that qualify. Georgia Nurses Association of Metro Atlanta will provide height, weight and blood pressure checks for the community. See you there!!